Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Presenting feedback to APTA Utah Board in order to address identified barriers in a collaborative effort.
DEI Committee Meeting Information
Everyone is welcome.Monthly - Second Tuesday
6 PM - 7 PM
ZOOM Link: Email Miriam.Cooper@rm.edu for the zoom link
We need your help as part of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee! We welcome all individuals who are passionate about advancing DEI in physical therapy. We highly encourage participation by people who can represent and accurately advocate for under-represented populations, including, but not limited to: Black and indigenous people, people of color, older adults, gender, LGBTQIA+ communities, those with differing physical and cognitive abilities, those with lower socioeconomic status, etc. Participation by those passionate about this cause are also welcome.
This is an essential role necessary for increasing awareness, education, and outreach to address educational and healthcare disparities amongst marginalized populations. We also strive to promote more diverse representation within our profession, optimizing our goal for practicing quality, patient-centered care.
Participation involves:
Helping with email blasts and social media channel outreach.
Community outreach/mentoring to prospective students in marginalized communities
Supplying and disseminating DEI training and educational materials to the PT community
Time commitment for a member of the committee will be about 1 hour per month and time commitment for the chair will be about 1-3 hours per month.